File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
|o*masa.f90MASA Fortran Interface
 o*laplacian.cA simple standalone tutorial program which solves a Laplacian using finite-differencing and uses the MASA library to aid in verification. For clarity, this program is self contained with all required source files present in this directory (laplacian.h, laplacian.c, and laplacian_utils.c) Note that for clarity, we use simple matrix data structures and form a full dense system. In addition, no particular performance considerations are applied
 \*laplacian_utils.cUtility functions used with laplacian.c

Generated on Tue Apr 21 2015 10:22:49 for MASA-0.44.0 by  doxygen 1.8.5